- 1,083
- PeachSergeantz
- Same as PSN but I dont use it.
Posted Oct 16, 2008 8:12 pm PT
finally drifting in a simulation game...it has to be awesome...im also glad that point to point came back...I was pretty disappointed when it didnt reappear in the second forza
I think that with Turn10 now working on PGR5 we could see the end of the Forza series for a while.....................I hope I'm wrong though.
Christ... What in gods name would make them think that's a better plan!?
Seriously, it's a video game system, you really hate the 360 with that much of a passion?
And Joey D... I am not a fan boy.. but I guess you can call me that..
They promised to have realistic tire deformation as in LFS, as well real time as well graphically SPRINGS and SUSPENSION... which is not or really barely visible in FM2 game.. They just fail to deliver.. I think the team is capable of it.. but the 360 is really keeping them from doing that.. they should move to PC, and if they did.. it would be much better sim over GT5P.
I did not.. but just look at other games... most 360 games are short.. and not much stuff in it.. good example Gears of War 2... less then 8 hour game.. and the creator promised BIGGER and still everyone calls it gears 1.5...same thing with HALO...
same thing with forza2... so why should Forza3 be any better then 2?
Forza 2 is the best console racing game to date. No other console sim even comes close. The only other ones have been grid, and gt5p. Neither is in the same league as forza. It had online tournaments, pretty good car customization, pretty good physics, a really good car editor, and pretty good graphics. I am in no way a fanboy of either console. If I had to pick 1 it would be the ps3. But to say forza is not a good racing game is absurd. Either you didn't play it, or you didn't give it a chance.
The only things forza 2 lacked were a in car view, and a good wheel to play the game with. I used the 360 wheel, and it got me by. The g25 would have made that game amazing, but now that fanatec is making a 360 wheel with high end pedals, that is not an issue anymore.
The 360 is also getting race pro. It looks like GT will no longer be enough to hold the ps3 as the sim champ. Race pro, and forza are going to make it really hard to convince people to go playstation just for gran turismo. The only major downfall the xbox has is the red rings, which I have gotten 3 times. It is a major hassle to deal with, but MS does repair it for free. I know 2 people pesonally who have had their ps3 break. They have both had to pay to get it fixed. One had to buy a new hard drive, and the other was charged over 100$ by sony, to fix a 1 week old system.
I can't wait for forza 3, and my porsche 911 clubsport edition to arrive. It's gonna be a great day for console racing sims.
400 cars is a bit optimistic though, as is 100 tracks. We've been promise loads of cars and tracks in the past and it never comes, although we eventually get DLC which we have to pay for despite paying $60 for the game.
I don't care about this retarded fanboy talk, but you'd all rather have PGR5 then FM3? Serious...?
To me....FM3 because I can tell that the engine sounds will be or might be better(I hope). is not like there gonna get worse right? But I dont care about the realistic hadleling. Your gonna be playing with the controller anyways right? and with the wireless sterring wheel that dosent go 900 degrees, not real driving either. as long as I can enjoy some engine sounds in sorround sound, and play in HD. also upgrading your car cool the way you want it to. it will be a great game. Cant wait for the drifting.
I especially hope you can do wide bodys and more swaps
The GT series isn't realistic either, really the only console racer I've ever played that is true to life is Enthusia.
GT5P isn't very realistic at least with the MINI Cooper S (as it's the only car I've driven from the game). Forza 2 does a slightly better job with it but it isn't perfect.
I don't care about this retarded fanboy talk, but you'd all rather have PGR5 then FM3? Serious...?