The Project CARS Video Thread

  • Thread starter Ameer67
Here's an interesting video;

Great stuff, it's a shame we have these beautiful 3D environments + all these interiors replicated in the greatest details and we can't look around. This ups the immersion factor bigtime and will help to spot those apexe's better.

How much do these head tracking devices go for? I wouldn't sit there with a Virtual Reality type helmet on my head (the misses and neighbours would laugh), but i would be interested in a little box a la kinect if it's affordable?
You need to download a piece of software called Facetracker NoIR (I think), connect the PSEye to your PC, install the drivers, and then set it up (a lot of work, but all head tracking software is at first). There's a whole thread on the pCARS forum discussing head tracking, and quite a few posts about using the PSEye. I'll have to wait until I get home, then I can copy and paste the info here (or another, more appropriate thread).
You need to download a piece of software called Facetracker NoIR (I think), connect the PSEye to your PC, install the drivers, and then set it up (a lot of work, but all head tracking software is at first). There's a whole thread on the pCARS forum discussing head tracking, and quite a few posts about using the PSEye. I'll have to wait until I get home, then I can copy and paste the info here (or another, more appropriate thread).
Thanks for that great budget tip 👍
@rauf00 -- Between the cars in that race, the weather, and the setting sun, that video exemplifies why I'm amped about this game. 👍
For the first time in about 10 years I'm actually looking forward to racing against the AI!!:lol:
Looks good, but if I can just make two observations? One, the driver wouldn't be looking around like that, especially down the straights, and not looking that far sideways into the corners - he would look through the corners, not at the corners. Two, there is something in your recording that stutters terribly. I don't know if it is your encoding, or the YT encoding, but I get the idea that you were recording at 60fps and it's been downgraded to 25/30fps. If Youtube does it, it's just awful, so capture and encode your video at 30fps, rather than letting Youtube do it.