Battlefield 1

  • Thread starter GTFan24
I'm horrible with semi auto weapons and sniper rifles, plus FPS games in general, but the dogfighting aspect looks incredibly fun without worrying about lock-on missiles. I'll have to try it some time soon.
Last night I found it strange that I'm much better going the historically accurate route with the Gewher 95 bolt action, rather than the semi autos. Wishing very hard for the Springfield and Lee Enfield with iron sights right now. :drool:
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I'm horrible with semi auto weapons and sniper rifles, plus FPS games in general, but the dogfighting aspect looks incredibly fun without worrying about lock-on missiles. I'll have to try it some time soon.
Don't forget to change the aircraft controls inversion then - I found the biplane almost un-flyable...but there again, I am used to Gaijin's biplanes and far more complex handling model - I suppose in fairness, that'd be like coming from a full-on racing sim to play an arcade driving game.

...I'm much better going the historically accurate route...
Is there a historic mode? I got mauled while playing as a German by a German tank with British markings, a detail I didn't see until far too late - I just saw the silhouette and ignored it because to me it was German. There again, I suppose I should have sussed that it was all jumbled up as I'd seen a British tank spawn on my side and one of the other players on the German side jump in and drive off.
Don't forget to change the aircraft controls inversion then - I found the biplane almost un-flyable...but there again, I am used to Gaijin's biplanes and far more complex handling model - I suppose in fairness, that'd be like coming from a full-on racing sim to play an arcade driving game.

Is there a historic mode? I got mauled while playing as a German by a German tank with British markings, a detail I didn't see until far too late - I just saw the silhouette and ignored it because to me it was German. There again, I suppose I should have sussed that it was all jumbled up as I'd seen a British tank spawn on my side and one of the other players on the German side jump in and drive off.
Here's to hoping that they do one, because personally I was hoping for some more...realism. Like that "Heavy Tank" was a German design, was planned to go against the "Land Ship" of the British.
Here's to hoping that they do one, because personally I was hoping for some more...realism. Like that "Heavy Tank" was a German design, was planned to go against the "Land Ship" of the British.
It would make sense. Anyway, seemed like it could be a lot of fun.
When I first joined the beta, I had a glitch - I've been constantly spawned without a gun. LoL. But still managed to kill two (with stationary machine guns). After rejoining the game, it worked normally.

Also I realised that I completely suck at aiming with a gamepad. When I played CoD MW2 and Black Ops on PS3 long time ago, I was used to it, but now I completely lost that skill.

Well, what can I say... I like it. If I do buy it, I'll probably get it for PS4, because when I tried BF4 on my PC, it had some problems (4GB RAM is not enough for comfortable playing).
I wonder how they will create the atmosphere of the trenches - I mean with tanks there was more fluidity and motion that broke the stalemate, but I'd think there would also have to be a number of AI even on the MP maps to create the forward momentum feel of a charge across no-mans' land.
I wonder how they will create the atmosphere of the trenches - I mean with tanks there was more fluidity and motion that broke the stalemate, but I'd think there would also have to be a number of AI even on the MP maps to create the forward momentum feel of a charge across no-mans' land.
Could bring back the "Onslaught" mode from Bad Company 2, players vs AI. Though, with a large enough trench setup it could work I think, becoming like urban combat in a way.

Painfully for the wallet, Verdun has come out for PS4. :P
Too much circle jerking in this game
Meh, it's like a mod for typical BF game

changing keybinds for anything other than on foot doesn't work

uninstalled beta....
^ Trying the open beta on PC this morning

All the objectives are arranged in a circle on the map, very close to each other, you basically have players running around like headless chickens capping and uncapaping continously

hardly anything resembling a frontline, or WW1 for that matter

Feels no different from any other BF game, hell even back to BF1942...
Conquest has always been a sort of "run around in circles, uncap nd capping" game mode. There is no real front line in it.

Might I suggest playing Rush. I've played it both in BF3 and BF4, and that has to be one of my all time favorites. Just feels more...organized in a sense.

Haven't been able to play the Beta yet because of the DDoS (Why do people even do this!?!?!), but hopefully it'll be fixed by tomorrow morning. I really wanna try a bayonet charge!
I feel the most accurate way of a frontline is rush on mostly any map and conquest on Operation Metro in BF4.
Man even with a EVGA GTX 1070 FTW, I get drops down to 30-40fps area on ultra settings

That's wierd. I get constant 80 on ultra with a 970 :confused:. And yes play Rush. There is a frontline.

But yes, it's a BF game. It shows and it plays like it. I expected nothing else, especially after seeing the early alpha footage of the french town. It's a revamped BF4/3.

But no helis, no RPG, no abundance of scopes, slow fire rates, bad long reach.... does change the battlefield a bit. I t's a lot more CQC than before.

And oh my god, the bayonette and shovel, so much fun. Flamethrower at B or the tankgun at E :drool:
I never really played any of the Battlefield's games before and gotta say I just suck at it, doesn't help that i'm not used to the xbox controller yet. At least this game suits me far more than Call Of Duty's space edition...

Downloaded this last night and played 4 matches of conquest today. This is definitely the most fun I've ever had playing multiplayer.

I've been sticking mostly with the Medic class as I love the M1907 SL, although I don't really like it's ironsights. Only played Conquest so far but will definitely give Rush a try today.
Finally managed to connect this morning and play three or four matches of Rush. God, I forgot how fun this series is. Started off rough while trying to learn the game, but once I got going, I was getting into the old rhythm of playing again.

I definetly like the weapons in the game; they seem much more skill oriented than just holding down the trigger of a 800 RPM chain saw. They seem much more diverse, too.

Got to try one of the tanks, I think it was the heavy tank, but I'm not really sure. It looked like a brick with guns pretty much, but I was having a blast with it. (Pun fully intended.) I never did get to play as the defending team, but attacking was a lot of fun; the last set of are fun for CQC, but I managed to lob a grenade into a room filled with enemies, which tickled me to death.

Overall, the game looks great, feels great, and is just so much fun to play. Definetly picking it up when it launches. May have to buy premium for this one, too.
I still can't play a game! I can connect to the EA servers but it keeps popping up with matchmaking failed every time I try and join a game.

Good Beta this.