Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.26 is Now Available: Adds Road Atlanta and Car Selling Feature

  • Thread starter BrunusCL82
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“This is the Yamauchi in its natural habitat. It slinks along, providing its young with precious few morsels each month. It wanders, choosing a direction not in the interests of survival, but whatever piques its curiosity. The Yamauchi boasts an extraordinary attention to detail, considering its bedding down to the millimetre, a trait which persists no matter the situation.

It will often pick from the same proverbial tree, to the dismay of its offspring, who cry out in protest at yet another piece of green apple.

And yet, despite its unorthodox motivation, they have a lifespan of over twenty-five years. A reversal of nature’s code, the Yamauchi marches on, through thick and thin.”
Gran Turismo movie fears this documentary.
It's probably worth re-raising at this point some of the other stuff that has been said, as the selling cars thing was probably the least impactful part of those posts really.

From a post on 18/03/22 titled "To All Our Players":

In GT7 I would like for users to enjoy lots of cars and races even without microtransactions. At the same time the pricing of cars is a relevant element that conveys their value and rarity, so I do think it’s important for it to be linked with the real world prices.

I want to make GT7 a game in which you can enjoy a variety of cars in a lot of different ways, and if possible I would like to try to avoid a situation where a player must mechanically keep replaying certain events over and over again.

We will let you know in time about the update plans for additional content, race events and features that will constructively resolve this situation.

It pains me that I can’t go into any further details at this moment, but we plan on continuing to revise GT7 so that as many players as possible can enjoy the game.

We would really appreciate it if everyone could watch over the growth of Gran Turismo 7 from a somewhat longer term point of view.

From a post on 25/03/22 titled "An Update To Our Players":

To improve the player experience, we will be rolling out a considerable Update at the beginning of April. The number of events will be increased, and we will re-establish the reward system with greater balance throughout the game to benefit all players.

Changes that will come into effect at the beginning of April:

 ・Increased rewards for the latter half of the World Circuits events by approximately 100% on average;
 ・Addition of large rewards for clearing the Circuit Experiences with all Gold or Bronze results;
 ・Increased rewards for the online races;
 ・Addition of eight new one-hour Endurance Race events to Missions. These will also have larger rewards;
 ・Increase the player's wallet upper limit of non-paid Credits from 20,000,000 to 100,000,000;
 ・Increase the quantity of Used and Legend Cars on offer at any given time.

Beyond this there will be a few additional Updates deployed between now and the end of April which will add new cars and course layouts, as well as implementing some other fixes.

Finally, we also want to take the opportunity to lay out some of the near-term Updates we are working on. We can’t confirm an exact date or specifics yet, but will give advance notice via

 ・Increase the reward payout of limited-time events as we develop as a live service;
 ・Addition of more World Circuits events;
 ・Addition of more Endurance Races to Missions, including 24-hour races;
 ・Addition of online Time Trials with rewards based on the player’s position in the online rankings;
 ・Being able to sell cars.

We want to thank you for your continued patience and valuable feedback as we grow and evolve GT7 to make it as enjoyable and rewarding for as many players as possible. We always want to keep communication lines open with our community so that we can work together to build the best racing experience possible.

Re-reading these posts six months on doesn't feel great. In retrospect, these posts look like damage control rather than an attempt to truly engage with what the players were telling them were legitimate problems with their game. After six months the progress doesn't really match up with the vibe of these early posts from Polyphony.
It's probably worth re-raising at this point some of the other stuff that has been said, as the selling cars thing was probably the least impactful part of those posts really.

From a post on 18/03/22 titled "To All Our Players":

From a post on 25/03/22 titled "An Update To Our Players":

Re-reading these posts six months on doesn't feel great. In retrospect, these posts look like damage control rather than an attempt to truly engage with what the players were telling them were legitimate problems with their game. After six months the progress doesn't really match up with the vibe of these early posts from Polyphony.
I think half of the problem is Sony pushing MTX but the other half at this point is I legitimately feel the game truly wasn't ready. Which is crazy to me cause they have been working on GT7 since before the release of GTS.
I just wish they would put back the ticket for the daily workout apparently 180 miles isn't enough today....I figured it's a glitch
Does anyone own a 1991 Audi V8 they can lend to PD for scanning? Preferably one with a manual transmission. Thanks in advance.
I just wish they would put back the ticket for the daily workout apparently 180 miles isn't enough today....I figured it's a glitch
This game will need a revamp to get me back into it.

My impression is that this game is stillborn. These timid updates give me the answer that PD's focus is on GT8, on producing a new game dedicated to PS5 hardware.

I suspect that the GT7 was built on top of the PS4 as a safe way to make revenue, taking advantage of the huge installed base of this console, and to extend the production time of the Gran Turismo of PS5. After all, there's not the slightest justification for GT Sport to be released in 2017 and, after five years, GT7 just looks like a GT Sport Director's Cut, with two dozen new cars and four more circuits. This doesn't make any sense. It was five years of production between GT Sport and GT7!

Remembering that the GT6 was launched in 2013 and the GT Sport in 2017. Two totally different games graphically! That is to say, in four years PD produced a great cast of Gr.3, Gr.1, Gr.4 cars and new tracks, such as Kyoto, Maggiore, Blue Moon, Broad Bean, Dragon Trail etc.

So, in other words about the current situation, this means that they produced a lot of content during the GT7 release window, but, it infers, that this content is being held back for GT8.

In the current commercial climate, I think it would be a heavy blow to Sony's marketing to have one of its biggest franchises be graphically inferior to Assetto Corsa 2 and Forza Motorsport 8. The GT franchise has always had the commercial image of being "the racing game" on consoles.
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Just wondering why so much hype about selling cars. It's not like we get THAT many free cars like in older games...
Then why do I have a myriad of duplicates I didn’t purchase?

We're bound to get a 25th Anniversary scape that's just Kaz's driveway.

Could be interesting. Maybe Kaz has made his own little version of Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, but with his own name embedded into each star.
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I just thought about something, which I believe won't be a very popular opinion, but if we were to expect a PD original track to return for 25th anniversary, I would really like it to be the Circuito de la Sierra from GT6. Would be a very odd choice, considering it's not a legendary track at all, but how awesome would it look on PS5? Though, the chances of this track coming back are probably very close to 0. Road Atlanta or Grand Valley seem like much more realistic picks, if I had to predict.

Either way, I'm kinda hyped for this update. It will either be very good (teased cars alone are already enough to make this interesting), or I will be able to have a good laugh once again at how my expectations got trashed once again.
I just thought about something, which I believe won't be a very popular opinion, but if we were to expect a PD original track to return for 25th anniversary, I would really like it to be the Circuito de la Sierra from GT6. Would be a very odd choice, considering it's not a legendary track at all, but how awesome would it look on PS5? Though, the chances of this track coming back are probably very close to 0. Road Atlanta or Grand Valley seem like much more realistic picks, if I had to predict.

Either way, I'm kinda hyped for this update. It will either be very good (teased cars alone are already enough to make this interesting), or I will be able to have a good laugh once again at how my expectations got trashed once again.
I would like CdlS, it was interesting.
But then, I would prefer Pikes Peak instead.
It's always fun reading these threads. We can all agree that more events of all types would be great, and upping the pay for ALL events, online etc.

But it's hilarious when people whine about the cars. We can all agree that we want MORE cars, but if you add some American muscle (like the Judge GTO) people cry tears as they want JDM/ Euro. They add Euro and now there's here going WE WANT US CARS lol.

At 3 cars a month (which isn't great, we can all agree) they can't service everyone's wants every time...
I just thought about something, which I believe won't be a very popular opinion, but if we were to expect a PD original track to return for 25th anniversary, I would really like it to be the Circuito de la Sierra from GT6. Would be a very odd choice, considering it's not a legendary track at all, but how awesome would it look on PS5?
Depending on how much work they put into it, it could look great. But for a track that size you'd have to imagine that they could have made several smaller tracks with the same amount of work, possibly ones that have more than a single layout and ones that are small enough that they promote close racing even with a low number of cars.

Sierra was cool as a once off thing, but it wasn't really a very good track for anything except being unusual. It'd be cool to see it again, but when I think about what else we'd be giving up in order to get it I don't think I actually want it.
We can all agree that we want MORE cars...
I'm not sure I do. If they're going to give them to me I'll take them, but I'm not sure I'd describe my feelings about the GT7 car list as "I want more". "Want" is definitely not the right word. There is plenty, and while I disagree with some of the selections most of them were locked in years and years ago when they were added to GTS. It is what it is, and what the car list is is fine.

Personally, I think they should be saving most of the cars for GT8 and blowing us away with so much additional event content for GT7 that we don't even have time to think about the fact that they're not adding cars. 36 extra cars in GT8 at release feels a lot more impactful than 36 cars dribbled into GT7 over a year, and if they picked them to form cohesive racing classes and fill out holes in the car list I think it would be a lot better than as it is where every single car has to be significant and impactful by itself.

Put it this way - if they weren't releasing cars they would be forced to release some other sort of content each month in order to keep this "live service" game alive. And Scapes notwithstanding (because we're always gonna get more Scapes content), pretty much anything else would be helping more than cars.