Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
The Graphics, Sound and Physics WILL be the most realistic ever experienced in a driving simulator...
That is a very bold statement in recent light of games like Assetto Corsa. Now, I never liked Project CARS (owned it, played it, hated it) so they can easily beat that game in my opinion (I'm not getting into an argument about this game, it has no point to me). But Assetto Corsa is a game that prides itself on Laser Scanning everything and being as accurate to real life as they can humanly get it. Though I have not played Assetto Corsa as of yet, it makes me wonder how bold of a statement Polyphony have made here when they will be in direct competition on PS4 in 2016.

I'm not sure everything in Assetto is laser-scanned. They have a few third party elements like the Shelby Cobra and Zandvoort track that I believe are "hand" modeled but that doesn't mean they are not precise. Cars can be certainly modeled with millimetric precision with picture references, and tracks probably in the centimeters with geo data. Laser-scanned would be in the millimeters. Don't think I'd be able to tell the difference anyway.

Graphically AC is alright considering the really small team, it has a more cohese look throughout than say PCars, although it is just a daytime/good weather racer.
But understandably (wildly different budgets, workers and well, past GTs) GTS seems to be doing quite a bit more in that department.

Sound is a mystery in GT, it'll at least change hehe.
AC is pretty, pretty good. They give you options to balance too which is great because they car body noises are (were?) really loud at default.

Physics are a mystery in GT too, I do hope they deliver on that front.
My biggest gripe with AC is that I have to tinker with the FFB profile with some cars, I suppose it has to do with how they are doing their suspension and tyre models almost "per car". But it's a great feel, just like GSCE is (I like GT6's feel too :P).
I couldn't find the video where AC's guy comments on GT's suspension model though, but paraphrasing he says "Well, they have to deal with thousands of cars", and I believe Niels Heusinkveld said something to the same effect on tyre models and Forza 4 guy said the same thing and more about Forza, so I guess that's the true catch for "physics engine will be the most realistic ever experienced in a driving simulator" if we compare to narrower scope games.

But as a full product, AC is still very much putting meat in its exposed bones so it should be interesting to see in what state it reaches consoles.
Just a thought, Imagine if what Jim Ryan said about GT Sport not being GT7 meant GT Sport could one day be "patched" to become GT7, like bikes being added to Driveclub. if we bought GT Sport and later on paid $30-40 to "upgrade" to GT7?
Just a thought, not sure if thats been mentioned as a possibility.
Personally, I think GT7 will release in December.I think GT Sport is going to help refine and be a beta test for GT7 and be a tool Sony uses to draw the core gamer into Playstation VR.
Perhaps Sony needed GT by PSVR launch and PD couldnt deliver, thus PD releasing a slice called GT Sport by the time PSVR launches (2nd quarter 2016)

We both read from the same page... its scary. The article confirmes that the Toyota S-FR and the Fire Red Nissan VGT, shown in a build of GT6 at Tokyo Motor Show, will not be included in GT6 but in a future installment of Gran Turismo. So yeah, I guess those two cars are pretty much confirmed to be in GTSport.

And yet, there's this trailer:

As a long time Gran Turismo fan, I am not excited for GT Sport, at this point all I want is Gran Turismo 7 with Simulation, Arcade, and online mode. By the time they release it, Valve will have Half Life 3 and there will be 3 new Forza games!
Sport mode would be most likely be a more advanced Seasonal events with some progression.

Its like career mode thats ever growing without an end.
As far as I'm aware, that trailer, and demo build was specifically for TMS.

Just seems misleading to have an article that says one thing, only to release a trailer that says another. Every car that's been DLC for GT6 has had a trailer for it that usually ended with "GT6" in it, usually meaning it was coming to GT6.
Sung Kang's Datsun 240Z GT Awards winner to be added to Gran Turismo for PS4:


Also (not really news since it was posted a couple of months ago): FIA certified four GT6 tracks. Could these be in GT Sport?
Sung Kang's Datsun 240Z GT Awards winner to be added to Gran Turismo for PS4:

View attachment 474998

Also (not really news since it was posted a couple of months ago): FIA certified four GT6 tracks. Could these be in GT Sport?

We saw Brand Hatch in the trailer. This track was part of FIA certified circuits.

So we can suppose that Suzuka, Silverstone and Bathurst will be present in GT Sport.
So does that mean we won't have like hundreds of skylines like in gt5 and 6 ? Lol
We don't know of anything else new other than that GTSport is not GT7 and that at the latest, will be released 2017 if delays occur. We barely know of the car list other than the ones shown in the trailer. We'll just have to wait and see the next trailer (if there is one)
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We don't know of anything else new other than GT7 is coming in 2017 after GT Sport (which we all pretty much assumed). We barely know of the car list other than the ones shown in the trailer. We'll just have to wait and see the next trailer (if there is one)
What? I have heard nothing about GT7.
There's no way they have a beta in Spring and the game release a year later.
I have a feeling at Playstation Experience in December we are going to get a good release window for both the beta and the full game.
Yeah, you can always count on Jim Ryan when he says something:indiff:.

“I think that we very much cut our teeth on DLC with GT5, and I think there’s a real desire to make a quantum leap with GT6. Plans are not yet disclosed so I can’t talk in detail about what they are but there is a real desire to make a step change and take it to a whole different level. “And, you know, other games in different genre have demonstrated what’s possible in terms of providing a much longer and deeper consumer engagement and monetization, so our ambitions are to make a big jump.”
I really hope PD gives more info soon. Even with the info we have, it's still a pretty confusing situation. When GT5 Prologue came out we knew exactly what it was and we knew that work on the full GT5 was still in full force. However, in this situation all we know is that it is more than a Prologue but its not a full release. That still leaves us to wonder:

1. How big is GT Sport? Will it have a decent amount of cars and tracks or will it be limited to something around 50 cars and 5 tracks?

2. Sense this is not a full release, will we be expect to pay the full price?

3. Where is the real GT7!!! It's been said many times before, but Xbox One has already had 2 full Forza games and 1 Forza Horizon. Forza 5 wasn't all that great but Forza 6 is supposedly a pretty great game. How many more Forza releases will Xbox owners get before we get a single full GT release?

4. Will this be download only, or will it be released in stores as well?

At this point the mystery surrounding this game seems to be doing more harm than good. By best guess is that GT Sport is to GT7 what MGS Ground Zeroes was to the full MGS Phantom Pain.
At this point the mystery surrounding this game seems to be doing more harm than good. By best guess is that GT Sport is to GT7 what MGS Ground Zeroes was to the full MGS Phantom Pain.

Terrible prologue : one of the best games ever made

That gets me reeeeeal excited for GT Sport 👍
I really hope PD gives more info soon. Even with the info we have, it's still a pretty confusing situation. When GT5 Prologue came out we knew exactly what it was and we knew that work on the full GT5 was still in full force. However, in this situation all we know is that it is more than a Prologue but its not a full release. That still leaves us to wonder:

1. How big is GT Sport? Will it have a decent amount of cars and tracks or will it be limited to something around 50 cars and 5 tracks?

2. Sense this is not a full release, will we be expect to pay the full price?

3. Where is the real GT7!!! It's been said many times before, but Xbox One has already had 2 full Forza games and 1 Forza Horizon. Forza 5 wasn't all that great but Forza 6 is supposedly a pretty great game. How many more Forza releases will Xbox owners get before we get a single full GT release?

4. Will this be download only, or will it be released in stores as well?

At this point the mystery surrounding this game seems to be doing more harm than good. By best guess is that GT Sport is to GT7 what MGS Ground Zeroes was to the full MGS Phantom Pain.
From the bit of info we've heard so far we can speculate these things:
  1. It was said the GT Sport is not a prologue and contains "Everything from a traditional GT." So if we are to go off of that then this is a full GT game taking a different approach
  2. From what I know, Forza Horizon games cost the same amount as Forza Motorsports games so I wouldn't expect anything lower.
  3. Let's wait and see what GTS plans to deliver before we talk about GT7.
  4. I don't see PD going the download only route. If the game is online-only then possibly but even then I still doubt it.