GTPlanet vs. Mariah Carey [2021]

  • Thread starter Daniel

Please indicate your Carey'd status below - you can change your response once CAREYD

  • Total voters
My heart sank when I heard that piano, only to realize the voice was not Mariah. This happened to me twice (One of which as I was passing by someone's house). She's stalking me :scared:
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Last Christmas has overtaken AIWFCIY this week, but sitll, scarily they're already fighting in the top 5.
My dad is out. He got Carey'd while watching Hulu last night. A commercial break came on and it was a Mariah Carey ad that had the song playing.
Do you know what it was an ad for? Just in case it comes up on YouTube as we might want to quickly jam Q-Tips or knitting needles into our ears as a precautionary measure.
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Do you know what it was an ad for? Just in case it comes up on YouTube as we might want to quickly jam Q-Tips or knitting needles into our ears as a precautionary measure.
He couldn't remember the specific ad, just that it was a Mariah Carey ad.
I've made it so far, but the upcoming week will be difficult. Have to pick up a gift from a hardware store tomorrow, head across town to see a surgeon Monday (the parking garage shouldn't be playing music, I hope), go to a drug store to get a shot Tuesday (highest risk), and have an extended Teams meeting with some very cheerful people Wednesday.
Allllrighty, I'd say I'm in but I only ever post in these threads. After being safe in 2020 and failing in the MOST miserable ways in 2018 and 2019 (still hurts lmao), the closest I've come this year was a cover of Wham in Lowe's. Will update when I get got, as well as tell y'all the story of how I got got in 18 and 19 (think: middle of nowhere, and somebody knew)

edit: where did I get the idea that if you can escape it, you're safe? that's not part of the game...
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Watch out for the latest BBC Sounds advert!

I demand a licence fee refund!

And I'm out :(

Somehow I'm still in this. Our flight back home is tomorrow, if I make it home I'll be impressed.

Been hardly any Christmas music here, and what there has been has pre-dated Mariah's by some margin. Which is a good thing.

That said, most music here isn't original anyway, they'll do anything to avoid paying royalties.
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I went for a Christmas shop in Makro over the weekend, and realised they were playing Christmas music about ten minutes in.

Amazingly no Mariah, though there was Wham.
The radio station that I changed to that NEVER plays Christmas music played a montage in a commercial about how they don't play Christmas music. :odd: They were all classic songs (White Christmas, Jingle Bell Rock, etc.) but still too close.

Time to shift to my playlist on Amazon Music.
For those in MA, Kiss 108 is still playing regular pop music. It's only a matter of time before Matty gives us Christmas stuff, but for now...enjoy the safety.
I've heard John & Yoko in two different supermarkets this month and Cliff Richard but no Mariah yet. Not having any seasonal booze ups or works dos to go to is a big advantage this year.
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Not having any seasonal booze ups or works dos to go to is a big advantage this year.
I'm fully expecting to get hit when we go on vacation between Christmas and New Years. :irked:
Inb4 Mariah enters the booth
She didn't, but the ghost of George Michael did. I got Whammed on the way home from the office.

Warning duly noted, George. I need to dig up my music CD and drop that in the Subaru for tomorrow.
I've had a very close call last night. Scrolling through Instagram stories with volume on and All I Want for Christmas started playing. I immediately skipped to the next story, realised what had happened and went back to the previous story to check. Luckily it was a song added to the story itself (not one playing in the background of the video) which meant I was able to check and discovered it was a cover.

I've been getting complacent recently as I haven't been hearing much Christmas Music anywhere. Gonna have to remember not to watch Instagram stories with volume from now on.
Although I'm not officially participating I would like to share the horror I went through yesterday.

Briefly outline the situation: I work in a Volvo Trucks assembly plant. There is a factory radio but with all that logistics transport, work tools, people talking and other noises you can sometimes barely hear the radio. That's why we have a mini hi-fi system that we found cheap on the second-hand market.

I was unsuspectingly working until dinner time and then we turned off our own radio as well. After the break, we went back to work but it took about half an hour until I realized we hadn't turned on our own radio yet. So I went to the radio, I turned the volume knob and, yes… I heard the horrible intro. I tried to turn it off but someone else turned it on again. :crazy:
Friendly advice if you're in London. You'll probably need headphones, in case you didn't already.

I've been Careyed.

In the worst place possible - somewhere I love. Silverstone.
Went for the lap of lights event they're doing. Staying in the car we played out own Christmas playlist - Carey free of course. However, at a point where our song went silent between two songs, we could hear the tannoy blaring the Silverstone Radio playlist. Guess which notes filtered through our closed car window...

I'm out. :(
I know I've already been Carey'd, but I forgot to let my family know and they went and laid a trap for me.

So those who know me will know I own a fair few vehicles. Some are merely daily runabouts, some are work vehicles, some are competition cars. So there are times where I'm swapping cars every couple of days or even daily, depending on what is getting done that week.

Well, they managed to booby trap every single one of them to play THAT SONG as soon as I fired one up. First I brushed it off as some freaky coincidence, but after the third car in two days I became suspicious and they couldn't keep their laughter when I asked them if they'd toyed with my stereos. :lol:

So yeah, even if I hadn't been spawn killed by the news, it looks like I wasn't going to make it this year regardless.
I know I've already been Carey'd, but I forgot to let my family know and they went and laid a trap for me.

So those who know me will know I own a fair few vehicles. Some are merely daily runabouts, some are work vehicles, some are competition cars. So there are times where I'm swapping cars every couple of days or even daily, depending on what is getting done that week.

Well, they managed to booby trap every single one of them to play THAT SONG as soon as I fired one up. First I brushed it off as some freaky coincidence, but after the third car in two days I became suspicious and they couldn't keep their laughter when I asked them if they'd toyed with my stereos. :lol:

So yeah, even if I hadn't been spawn killed by the news, it looks like I wasn't going to make it this year regardless.
the powerpuff girls bubbles GIF