Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.26 is Now Available: Adds Road Atlanta and Car Selling Feature

  • Thread starter BrunusCL82
Is there a game that have ol' us' cars and MB's instead of Flattened VW (porsche),beamers (bmw),vgt's,lambos,ferrari and other cr.p? There was one game with ol' us' cars called MotorCity I betatested it on my slow 512/kb from sweden in 2002 or so.I miss dead us' makers like AMC,Hudson and Nash. So i think we will all get more vgt's,flat,wide vw and nothing more to keep us all play and maybe support gt7.The limit for "fun" is reached in single player cr.p content for many of us.....It's no fun anymore. So if they want to "learn" people about cars.....look back in time from 1946 to 1988.Every kid knows about new cars and nothing about old cars
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Love to see them start releasing the promised features that are still missing, and also more of the classic tracks from the older games. One from each of the previously numbered games that was only in that game.
Maybe they will do a 2.0 like they did with GT5 and GTS at some point.
As much as their "publicity" for patches is below zero effort anyway, you'd think that if it were something meaningful enough to call a 25th Anniversary update then they would lead with the highlights.

I suspect that they probably have. It's three decent cars, and probably not much else. Cars are still nice, but they still do absolutely nothing to address the actual weaknesses of the game. The chances of there being some major additions and improvements to the curated single player content are very low.
Just wondering why so much hype about selling cars. It's not like we get THAT many free cars like in older games...
At this point I think it's more about them keeping their word, or at least communicating about it. The expectation is that the selling feature will be tuned to be largely useless, but they could at least stick to what they said in one of their very few explicit communications about the future of the game.
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going from a GTS-T to a GT-R is different enough that you'd need to remodel the entire car.
I mean, with the 2 door? The tail light assemblies are different. Hood is that tiny bit lower in the grill. Smaller spoiler. Slightly narrower fenders. I don't think it would be thaaat much work. Engine audio would be different.
Just wondering why so much hype about selling cars. It's not like we get THAT many free cars like in older games...
I'm in the same boat. I haven't cared about the ability to sell cars since they announced it because it was always relatively useless beyond like GT2 I think. Or exploits in the later games to dupe cars and sell.

Like recent entries, I'm expecting prize cars to be worth 0 and cars that you bought to be worth like 25% of what you paid.
Gran Turismo is meant to be Sony's baby & THE racing game. It doesn't feel like that to me these days.
Sadly, I think those days have passed. Sony's baby(s) are their single player narrative titles for the time being as they sell super well and get tons of critical acclaim. They're great games and I enjoy them. I don't think racing games get the attention they used to. At least GT doesn't because the larger market skews towards the more arcade-y titles like Horizon and Need for Speed (yes, those have all been crap but people keep buying them.) I feel like GT is a bit niche these days.
I would imagine PD and Sony have user experience data but they obviously aren't looking at it, nor are they listening to the fans. Seems a change in leadership is needed over there.
Or they could be looking at the data and seeing that the majority of the player base isn't bothered by certain things and/or there is little or no gain from investing all sorts of time/money into certain aspects. Like online lobbies. I'd bet only a fraction of the player base cares much about the online, let alone player made lobbies. I played a lot of GT Sport (for me, because I'm not really interested in multiplayer games) and made it up the ranks. But that's because there wasn't really anything else to do. I haven't touched Sport mode at all in GT7 because now there is single player stuff for me to do 🤷‍♂️ And any player made lobbies I've tried, even in Sport, were crap because clearly the servers weren't the same as the Sport mode races. Lag all over the place.
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Just wondering why so much hype about selling cars. It's not like we get THAT many free cars like in older games...
The problem is the implication of not having the selling feature more than the feature itself. In a game already suffering from poor payouts and crazy expensive cars and upgrades that make the microtransactions very attractive, the continuous delay of a feature that would give players more credits, no matter how little, just dogpiles onto the idea that PD is pushing us towards grinding and paying to get more credits.
I will simply expect nothing except what has already been promised. So, those 3 cars.

As for why Kaz still only uses silhouettes... what else is there to hype up usually? Only 3 cars, except that one time it was 4.
I laughed my arse off when I saw it's 3 cars again. I don't know why though, it's just hilarious that the only time they add more cars is because of the Mazda event, and the 1 extra car they added is just a Miata that we could probably build ourselves in GT Auto.

But hey the Cossie is here though.
The problem is the implication of not having the selling feature more than the feature itself. In a game already suffering from poor payouts and crazy expensive cars and upgrades that make the microtransactions very attractive, the continuous delay of a feature that would give players more credits, no matter how little, just dogpiles onto the idea that PD is pushing us towards grinding and paying to get more credits.
Plus I have a ton of cars ready to sell the moment I can. As long as we can sell gifts, that is.