Rumor: Forza Motorsport 8 is being delayed till 2021

  • Thread starter TheOE

When do you think Forza Motorsport 8 will launch?

  • Still in 2020

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Early 2021

    Votes: 25 26.3%
  • Late 2021

    Votes: 34 35.8%
  • 2022

    Votes: 25 26.3%
  • Later

    Votes: 10 10.5%

  • Total voters
Yes, I exaggerated on purpose. I'm not worried about the person that works on graphics not being able to work on physics. I'm worried about some features being toned down because focusing on car models alone. Like dinamic time and weather, weather effects or sense of speed...
Edit: I'm also worried about losing my favorite cars.
I'm sorry, but if you have to exaggerate in order to try to prove a point than you likely didn't have a very strong one to argue in the first place.

That's the thing though - They'd be able to work on car issues, and physics, and likely the features at the same time though. So again, it's nothing to worry about. It really doesn't make sense to me why they would tone down the game in order to work on the issues that plague the current car list.
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I can certainly understand fixing the issues that pledged the series up to this point. What I don't understand is throwing away something I've long since enjoyed since GT2, and that's Car Collecting, period.
You can collect cars when there are 500 cars instead of a thousand cars. You can collect cars if Turn 10 trims the ones that are functionally useless in the game; which at the end of the day is still a racing game.

Oh, and also. I never once saw my opinion being more valuable than anyone else's. After all, it is an opinion, so think again.
Dismissing the people arguing against you as just being selfish for not kowtowing to the things you want is nothing but saying that your opinion means more than the people who disagree.

Uhh, no, that's not how it started. The only issue I saw with GT's carlist was the standard cars. No more than that.
GT5's car list was obscenely padded even sticking to the Premium cars; and because of all of that padding GT5's car list without Standard cars was extremely lacking in diversity and representation to make much of a game out of.
GT5 required you to use Standard cars, but they weren't implemented in a way that guaranteed you could actually progress through the game when you got to a point that you needed them.
GT's car list was overwhelmingly tilted towards newer models and they kept adding cars of questionable relevance (like flash in the pan SEMA cars) as time went on. GT6 performed a somewhat decent course correction both through the new Premium cars and the Standards remodeled to at least passable quality, but then they blew that apart when it became clear they were lying about the monthly DLC and their new huge focus on the VGT project.
GT's car list was clearly always intended to include Standard cars from the start, but PD covered it up and pretty much just lied through omission about it until a few months before release.

You can't dismiss it as "it was just because of the standard cars" when the presence of the Standard cars directly led to a wide range of poor creative decisions from the start on top of the issues directly with them.

There is no reason for GTS to exist if that was the case. I am struggling to see your point on this matter, cause it's really not getting to me.
GT Sport was PD finally separating from most of the bloat that they had accumulated over the years. No more 100+ cars PD outright made up to put a higher number on the box. No more cars in the game that are completely unable to be used in a race. Most of the gimmicky ADD-driven side nonsense put in to distract by how lacking the game was elsewhere was removed. No more dozens of minor variations of cars where they didn't even bother to model the minor variations.
GT7 should hopefully allow them to build from a foundation where Kaz's promises that he essentially lied about at the time regarding their car count padding and fabrication can actually come to fruition. I doubt it, because even GT Sport is loaded with rejected designs from a Wipeout game that people cling to anyway because a real manufacturer's label is affixed to them as if that makes them more real, but the hope is there.

Forza didn't really have that problem before Forza 5 reset the car list, but then they ended up having a problem arguably as bad with Forza 7 anyway.

I never said it did, did I? All I said was I rather keep the cars Forza has built upon and expand on it, over pleasing people who just wants to cut it because.
Because why? Why do you keep acting like it's out of spite that people wouldn't have a problem with (or would even prefer) a smaller car list?

Than what was the point of T10 and PG building all these cars for years then? To throw it all away again? Really? So we're going back to the FM5 route, the SAME game that was criticized for its car list and content over FM4. People really seem to forget about that a lot of the time. Hilarious...
I didn't. I ignored FM5 out of principle because it seemed like outrageously poor planning on Turn 10's part at best or an attempt to get applause and gouge people for not actually doing anything at worst.

But I'm considerably less concerned with losing certain swaths of the car list of Forza 7 than I was Forza 4, especially if it can contribute to them not being implemented in such a piss-poor way and especially when the culling shouldn't need to be as severe when the jump in quality won't be nearly as large as it was from PS360 to the PS4 and Xbone. Especially if it can finally rid the series of its demons with modeling inconsistencies, when it still has cars with obviously wrong proportions, when it still has cars that share bodies with other cars but look completely different because they weren't modeled by the same person. Especially if it can finally take a step forward over the same stuff it was doing with the cars in the game ten years ago instead of treading water as if Gran Turismo is still hopelessly behind like it was then; or taking things like car tuning and dumbing them down compared to how things were a decade ago.

Honestly, it doesn't matter what we as a community say. The cycle of having the biggest car list will continue to thrive in both GT and Forza anyway. So it really doesn't matter what all of us say. ;)
This is just another attempt to dismiss the conversation, and it's one that doesn't even stand up to the reality of the post-launch support games get nowadays.

Oh, and ask for you @Silver Arrows. I've been playing Forza ever since it came out back in 2005 alongwith Gran Turismo during the time. I'm allowed to say my piece in the arguement.
I've been playing games that used this game structure since before the first Gran Turismo even came out. There aren't too many of them that were designed worse than Forza 7. I firmly believe that them throwing the entire kitchen sink at the game when it came to the cars they implemented was one of the root causes of it; a result of them trying to come up with a poorly conceived plan to implement the completely scattershot car list.

I'm allowed to say my piece in the argument, even if you want to fob it off as "selfishness."
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I'll pose this question to you then - if losing your favorite cars meant having a better game, both in terms of single player content, an actual scope, and remodeling of Xbox era vehicles and a total rework of engine sounds, would you take it?
Of course I will take it. But... do I have to lose it in the process? There's no reason to suggest it can't be improved without sacrificing the car count. I'm ok with post lounch content if necessary. Just don't cut it.

It really doesn't make sense to me why they would tone down the game in order to work on the issues that plague the current car list.
What? You don't believe that more detailed car models can have an impact on dinamic time and weather, for example?
What? You don't believe that more detailed car models can have an impact on dinamic time and weather, for example?
If you were talking about this gen, I would agree with you. Either way, the detail in car models can only go so much further, and with the extra oomph we're getting next gen, I doubt it'll impact much of anything. Another fact to keep in mind is that detailed car models where not really the forefront of the issues that people are having with the car list. The cars that came as brand new post-launch content for the series in FH4 look mighty fine as is, and I'm sure that while they can be done up a little more, I don't see it being so much more that it'll affect anything in the way you're thinking.
This is just another attempt to dismiss the conversation, and it's one that doesn't even stand up to the reality of the post-launch support games get nowadays.

That's another thing about that absolutely bat **** 'the community doesn't matter, devs don't listen to the fans' reasoning. If fans didn't matter, if opinions didn't matter, then why the hell did Gran Turismo bolt on a (still crap) single player mode months after the fact, when it was obvious their 'revolutionary' pivot into being an effectively online only racing game, focused on eSports competition and aping massively off iRacing, bombed and the game was being sold for $20 new on the PSN store and physical copies were hitting the used games shelf at Gamestop and dropping in price? If fans didn't matter, then why the hell did T10 begin to implement sorely needed measures against dirty driving in Forza 7 before being stopped because the game hit end of life?

Which once again, I will say: Toko, sit on the sidelines for this. It's obvious that you are letting your love for the Forza franchise utterly blind you to the realities that Forza is being faced with, realities that T10 have acknowledged themselves. Trying to bury your head in the sand when it comes to legitimate criticisms being posited in this thread legitimately makes you look like a you know what.

Of course I will take it. But... do I have to lose it in the process?

T10's entire motto this past generation, from Forza 5 onward, has been growth in the car list, and not fixing the very real problems the series has had, with Forza 6 and 7 especially. It has become blindingly obvious that this is a problem, and the rush to have a big four digit number on the back of the box while ignoring fixing anomaly car models, fixing terrible sounds, and fixing a gameplay loop that is stale at best and has no sense of direction, swallowed up by the very 'openness' T10 likes to trumpet is starting to come home for Turn 10 when it comes to every other aspect of the Motorsport series as a whole, and to an extent Horizon too. What point does it give?

What? You don't believe that more detailed car models can have an impact on dinamic time and weather, for example?

Oh come on. Next gen consoles aren't being handicapped by **** internals like this previous generation has - and that sort of scenario isn't a possibility, especially since the Forza team prides itself on giving the best of both worlds, which they have.
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If you were talking about this gen, I would agree with you. Either way, the detail in car models can only go so much further, and with the extra oomph we're getting next gen, I doubt it'll impact much of anything. Another fact to keep in mind is that detailed car models where not really the forefront of the issues that people are having with the car list.
I'm sure I read often about a cut car count for a higher fidelity reason. Which I think it's not necessary since everything is pointing to a GAS type of game. So content will be added long after launch. The other reasons are up to date models and more focus on the motorsport, which I presume more racing cars. Which again can be solved without cutting anything. I can't see how a game can be better or worse if the Transit is included, for example. And a lot of fans seems to just ignore the licensing issues when asking for cars or get mad because x car is still missing and they add y car because of still valid/cheaper license.
Oh come on. Next gen consoles aren't being handicapped by **** internals like this previous generation has - and that sort of scenario isn't a possibility, especially since the Forza team prides itself on giving the best of both worlds, which they have.
I wonder how much of that power will be used for ray tracing alone.
I'm sure I read often about a cut car count for a higher fidelity reason.
Where did you read that? I haven't seen that. You might be mixing that up with on track vehicles to work good enough with the features, rather than outright car count, but still, that's a thing of the past next gen.

The other reasons are up to date models and more focus on the motorsport, which I presume more racing cars. Which again can be solved without cutting anything.
It's not just about up-to-date models though, you're solely focusing on car models and car models only and because of that you're missing the points people have brought up. I don't think many people even mentioned the car models in general - outside of the one with glaring issues that obviously came from the 360 era games, which isn't really many. If you have 45% of the carlist that is superior in many ways compared to the rest of the car list, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Not as bad as Gran Turismo in the past with it's split car list, but it still presents itself in an ugly way. Look how many cars that have been added to FH4 since launch, it's not like we're going to be lacking any, and I doubt that even if there is a cut, it likely wont be any lower than what FH4 started with, or any lower than what was released as post content with FH4.

I can't see how a game can be better or worse if the Transit is included, for example. And a lot of fans seems to just ignore the licensing issues when asking for cars or get mad because x car is still missing and they add y car because of still valid/cheaper license.
Then you proved the point you're arguing against. It's not better, it's not worse, but it's getting things corrected and made better. So if it doesn't matter either way to you if it's included or not, than it sounds like its a viable enough solution to make cuts to the car list, to get worked on, if need be. You also proved another point for cutting a car list, licensing still existing or not - it being in one game doesn't guarantee a thing for the next.

So what I get from your points is that in no way would you give up your favorite car in order to make the game better in general for everyone. Hell, there's also a chance that your favorite vehicles wouldn't even be affected. I would gladly take that hit against my favorites if it meant that everyone gets a better game, with better focus and consistency within the car list, than what has been regurgitated for the past 2-3 games.
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Where did you read that? I haven't seen that.
Here, for example.
Similar post you can find on the official forum too. However not a lot of fans are asking for a smaller car count.
So what I get from your points is that in no way would you give up your favorite car in order to make the game better in general for everyone. Hell, there's also a chance that your favorite vehicles wouldn't even be affected. I would gladly take that hit against my favorites if it meant that everyone gets a better game, with better focus and consistency within the car list, than what has been regurgitated for the past 2-3 games.
You can't be more wrong. What I'm trying to say is that you can improve any aspects or issues the past car list have without cutting the car count. And that an x car can't ruin a game, imo.
I'm fine when players are requesting better classification, better sounds, models, customization, idk homologations. What I don't understand is the fact that a lower car count could somehow lead to a better gaming experience. That is why I'm arguing that point. The fact that I would be disappointed doesn't mean I want to ruin the game for anyone. It's a natural emotion being a car enthusiast myself. And Forza being a perfect game for the same reason.
Here, for example.
Similar post you can find on the official forum too. However not a lot of fans are asking for a smaller car count.
Ah ok, but that would actually make sense. Fidelity can cover a whole span of issues rather than outright modeling per vehicle. It's not really mutually exclusive.

That's the thing you(and obviously many others) seem to be misunderstanding. No one is asking for smaller car count - but if it means that it helps to alleviate the many issues plaguing the list, than it's acceptable to some if it does end up cut.

You can't be more wrong. What I'm trying to say is that you can improve any aspects or issues the past car list have without cutting the car count. And that an x car can't ruin a game, imo.
Yeah, no. That just sounds like a modern day GT5 Issue - albeit, not as extreme. Otherwise, we're literally in the same exact position we are now. Trim the list, make sure all remaining vehicles are to the exact same standard, and as you start releasing new vehicles, make sure all of those are at that exact same standard. The speed at which post-release content comes in, I really don't think that even if the list was significantly smaller at launch that it wouldn't be staying that way for remotely long period of time.

What I don't understand is the fact that a lower car count could somehow lead to a better gaming experience. That is why I'm arguing that point. The fact that I would be disappointed doesn't mean I want to ruin the game for anyone. It's a natural emotion being a car enthusiast myself. And Forza being a perfect game for the same reason.
What it's going to make better if the list in general by making sure everything is brought up to a higher level, and everything introduced is sitting at that same level. That's how it'll make it better. Removing any given car isn't going to make the game worse, gameplay is there irrespective of actual girth of the car list. If a handful of cars is what will ruin a game for you than you weren't really playing the game for the game, you just wanted the game cus it had a car, and that's not the people that should be catered to in my opinion. Even if the game had half the carlist of what FH4 that's still a lot of vehicles, and really, I don't even expect a cut to be even remotely that big or even in that ball park at all. So I'm not sure why you would think that such a massive decrease would even happen.
I can't believe they haven't given any information other than the useless PR from the initial announcement.
I have a feeling they're a ways off (my hunch: early 2022) and they "had to" get something out for the Series X hardware reveal just so Microsoft can say they have a new Forza coming...

...and that's fine. I'm happy for Turn 10 to take as many years as they need to get an excellent racing game together.

The racing genre is incredibly healthy at the moment and there's plenty of good games to play in the meantime.
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Having at least 300 to 500 cars for this next Forza, instead of around 850 to more than 1,000+ would be a complete total nightmare. I can't believe people are really okay with sacrificing cars as if it is a good thing to them. We don't want another Motorsport 5 or Forza turning into the Project CARS series (especially with getting rid of the diverse variety of cars), as all that hard work would have gone to waste. I'll have to side with TokoTurismo's stance of the argument here.

I will admit that I love Forza, it's my second most-favorite game franchise (behind WipEout), but I see some problems and imperfections. I do believe, however, that all of these can be remedied without sacrificing any cars at all. I'm glad they are still in early development and taking all the time they need to further polish, build and expand on the product, besides taking into consideration new and enhanced game modes and mechanics to reflect on it being more motorsports-focused.

I guess the consequence of developing a new Forza title bi-annually has taken its toll on the overall product. Turn Ten needs more time in creating their vision of their ideal Forza.

Some of you talk as if there are something wrong with the quality of the car models where in fact, all the cars in Motorsport 7 and Horizon 4 look perfectly fine and at the same graphic quality built with 4K graphics on the Forza-tech engine, built originally on Windows 10 PCs in mind, then on the console (Xbox One X for Motorsport 7 and Horizon 4, then the Series X/S on the next Motorsport and also, the enhanced version of Horizon 4).

I can specifically list a number of problems, based on technology, game mode and mechanic-wise, that have plagued the recent Forza titles, especially that of Motorsport over the years, and I will explain everything in no particular order, such as:
  • Sounds
  • Post-launch support
  • Microtransactions
  • Implementation of car divisions
  • Incomplete dynamic time of day and weather
  • Lack of animated pit stops
  • Lack of skill-based matchmaking
  • Inability to select factory colors and perform basic tuning on rental cars in Free Play
  • Forced homologation if lobby settings are set to cars racing on only a specific division
  • Lack of proper progression in the career mode
  • Car acquisition with limited availability (e.g. #Forzathon or Bounty Hunter events)
1. Sounds - Ever since like say, maybe Horizon 3, the sounds of Forza have gone way downhill. It's no surprise that the former head of their sound development has defected to Gran Turismo, giving them far greater sounds that recent Forza titles (but still behind Motorsport 4). It's quite ironic now that for Gran Turismo, they once had vacuum cleaner-like sounds and now their cars sound great.

Motorsports 5 and 6 had pretty decent sounds, but I believe Turn Ten and Playground Games really need to find another talented audio lead and/or take advantage of new sound-recording technology to improve on their sounds. I remember there was an update in Motorsport 7 where some cars got their sounds updated, but I do hope that a big overhaul in terms of audio technology would come for the Xbox Series X/S.

2. Post-launch support - The post launch support of recent Forza titles have begun to take its toll. The car packs were all the same, seven cars a month, with no new tracks and career events whatsoever, and that the expansions themselves were the only ones that added the new tracks, career events and other stuff, besides far more cars than any car pack could provide. Motorsport 7 had no expansions at all which made it feel like there was nothing else to look forward to, and became very stale when there were no new career events in that game whatsoever, let alone, new tracks.

I believe that this next Forza should take the same game as service model like in GT Sport where they would add a variety of cars and tracks with every update, as well as new career events to reflect on the new cars and tracks. They should make it where we get no less than seven cars (up to a maximum of 20 in one update) and depending on the update, occasional new tracks and/or new layouts to existing tracks, all in free updates where they immediately get added to Free Play as rental cars and the "Buy Cars" feature.

3. Microtransactions - Ever since Motorsport 4, microtransactions have plagued the Forza series somewhat, firstly in the form of Tokens as means of an alternate currency if one is running low on credits and went on and on until Horizon 3. However, there is an option to turn them off because, well, this feature would prove itself to be very unpopular. It wasn't until Motorsport 7 where the microtransactions became borderline predatory with the use of loot boxes to get Mods, cars and race gear, and because of the backlash, I'm sure Turn Ten have learned their lessons with that.

4. Implementation of car divisions - Like I said, Turn Ten should not cut down on the car list at all, but I somehow see a problem with their divisions. Some feel very mismatched to the point where it feels bizarre, like for example, why put an Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione in "Supercar Renaissance" where it should actually be in "Sport Luxury"? Another is the fact that GT4 cars are in the "Forza GT" division. If the next Forza brings back a lot of the Super GT/JGTC/DTM cars from the older games, as well as add new ones, they shouldn't put them in "Forza GT", rather, create a new division called "Forza Super Touring". Either Turn Ten can sort out the cars that feel mis-matched in certain divisions, or overhaul this mechanic entirely.

5. Incomplete dynamic time of day and weather - There is actually dynamic time of day in Motorsport 7, well, sort of, but is very half-assed to the point where after several minutes on end on a night race, you start to see the sun rising a little bit. However you don't have full control in adjusting the time of day at all, and the dynamic weather is only limited to some tracks. I hope the next Forza provides us with full 24-hour dynamic time of day and complete dynamic weather, as in being available on ALL tracks.

6. Lack of animated pit stops - I noticed that when you pit in in Motorsports 6 and 7, there is no pit crew, no evidence of tires being change or refueling whatsoever when doing so. Instead, the car just floats in the air and magically gets refueled with new tires and that it gets major performance repairs. A Ferrari Challenge game on the Dreamcast could do something better than this.

7. Lack of skill-based matchmaking - Exactly the reason why you will keep encountering rammers and violent, chaotic races in the online modes. Forza also needs a driver and sportsmanship rating similar to GT Sport, as well as skill-based matchmaking, which will go hand-in-hand to separate the purists from the morons.

8. Inability to select from factory colors and perform basic tuning on rental cars in Free Play - One feature from the older Motorsport games that I miss is being able to choose from a car's factory colors when using rental cars in Free Play, as well as being able to do basic set-up tuning, which are all car-specific. Such a bad shame that Turn Ten have since omitted this feature since Motorsport 5.

9. Forced homologation if lobby settings are set to cars racing on only a specific division - In Free Play, or the online lobbies, we should have a setting where if we want to race against cars from only the same division, we can choose whether or not homologation should be in place. Motorsport 7 always forces it on whenever you set the specified race division for any particular race in Free Play and/or online which is very frustrating indeed.

10. Lack of proper progression in the career mode - This will probably be my most controversial opinion yet, as the career modes in Motorsports 5, 6 and 7 are not really worth playing due to the fact that with DLC's, especially if you pre-order the game, you can already get access to impressive cars which gives off an unfair advantage when starting off, and that there really should be some incentive to play through the career mode, Gran Turismo-style, where leveling up unlocks new championships, career events and playlists, as well as special events, not to mention, new cars that you can buy in the "Buy Cars" mode. In the career mode is where you also have the incentive to not only collect cars, but also even customize them.

That way, even the car collecting aspect also has more incentive, where you must be in a specific level or meet certain requirements to be able to buy a certain car. But with what I mentioned earlier, new career championships, playlists and events should be added as well to continue in adding more life to the game, besides reflecting on every new car and track added.

If you want to have all the cars in the game right away, just play in either Free Play and/or online and use them as rental cars. Simple as that. Because of the game as service model, any new cars added through updates should not have the option to be obtained for free in the career mode anymore. If you want to use it right away, I will repeat: go to Free Play and/or Online and use it as a rental car.

11. Car acquisition with limited availability - Besides improving the idea of progression and enhancing the car collection aspect hand-in-hand, the Forza series also has had a bad reputation in making cars into limited-time rewards such as through unicorn cars, #Forzathon, Bounty Hunter events (in Horizon, it's "Festival Playlist" and other such things) and locking them from access to the "Buy Cars" mode. Turn Ten fixed this by adding a vast majority of every car in Motorsport 7 in the "Buy Cars" mode, leaving only the Forza editions to actually try and get with those means.

While I have said that the feeling of progression in the career mode must be improved somewhat, Turn Ten should give 2+2, not 4. What this means in a way is that Turn Ten should allow players to experience the entirety of getting the ability to have all the cars in career mode, but it shouldn't be as far as spoon-feeding. You'll still need hard work to get them. But with otherwise extreme means to get them that are beyond such, would mean something else.
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Saying the same thing 25 times in a row doesn't make it any more viable a solution than what's being talked about. At least attempt to discuss your points with others instead of outright ignoring absolutely everything only to come back a day later and literally repeat the exact same thing.

Having at least 300 to 500 cars for this next Forza, instead of around 850 to more than 1,000+ would be a complete total nightmare. I can't believe people are really okay with sacrificing cars as if it is a good thing to them. We don't want another Motorsport 5 or Forza turning into the Project CARS series (especially with getting rid of the diverse variety of cars), as all that hard work would have gone to waste. I'll have to side with TokoTurismo's stance of the argument here.

I will admit that I love Forza, it's my second most-favorite game franchise (behind WipEout), but I see some problems and imperfections. I do believe, however, that all of these can be remedied without sacrificing any cars at all. I'm glad they are still in early development and taking all the time they need to further polish, build and expand on the product.

Some of you talk as if there are something wrong with the quality of the car models where in fact, all the cars in Motorsport 7 and Horizon 4 look perfectly fine and at the same graphic quality built with 4K graphics on the Forza-tech engine, built originally on Windows 10 PCs in mind, then on the console (Xbox One X for Motorsport 7 and Horizon 4, then the Series X/S on the next Motorsport and also, the enhanced version of Horizon 4).

I can specifically list a number of problems, based on technology, game mode and mechanic-wise, that have plagued the recent Forza titles, especially that of Motorsport over the years, and I will explain everything in no particular order, such as:

Me writing this post out like this is still making more of an attempt at discussing than what you're doing here.
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If a handful of cars is what will ruin a game for you than you weren't really playing the game for the game, you just wanted the game cus it had a car, and that's not the people that should be catered to in my opinion.
Again? I never said it would ruin a game for me. Your assumptions are getting more ridiculous from one post to another.
Yes, I sank 600h into FM7 alone doing whatever you're assuming just because of some car... and what? The game shouldn't be catered for players like me? How entitled one must be to post something so ridiculous? Look at him! He is the real deal! All the others are just a bunch of casuals and don't deserve to play any game.
Again? I never said it would ruin a game for me. Your assumptions are getting more ridiculous from one post to another.
Yes, I sank 600h into FM7 alone doing whatever you're assuming just because of some car... and what? The game shouldn't be catered for players like me? How entitled one must be to post something so ridiculous? Look at him! He is the real deal! All the others are just a bunch of casuals and don't deserve to play any game.
That would be something called a general statement. It wasn't aimed at you directly nor was it an assumption about you although I can see why you think that. Either way, you couldn't have missed that point more than you did I think.

If removing a specific car is what makes or breaks a game for you, than you were less in it for the actual game than you were for the actual car. A single vehicle, not even a handful of vehicles, being remove should damage a game so much. If that little bit is enough for you to damn the whole game, than no, those are not the people that should be catered to at all. That's the point you missed.

If my favorite vehicle isn't in, oh well I'll move on and find something else fun.

Stop making stupid assumptions, stop grasping at things that aren't said, and stop over exaggerating. Again, if you even attempt to exaggerate to try to make a point, than you never had a compelling argument from the get go. I'm the definition of a casual, since I only have so much time to play now adays. Ironic that someone mention someone posting something "so ridiculous."

Even with all that said, you choose to ignore the post and literally focus on one sentence. Would be nice for you to address everything said instead of trying to make up things to prove a point against one literal sentence. You're obviously to heated to even attempt to make any sort of understanding or rational discussion here.
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I think this debate has proven that making a game that appeals to everyone (which is what recent titles have tried to do) is really hard.

Whichever direction Turn 10 is going, be it Sport-like competitor level, or the automotive encyclopedia, I just hope they go down one route and are fully committed to it.

Attempting to please everybody usually leads to compromises that mean result in a less than ideal experience.

GT Sport was incredibly focused at launch. A bunch of people hated it, but that design philosophy they went for made me feel it was the most "important" racing game of the past 20 years. I hope Turn 10 are also laser-focused in their next title, and I'll accept that if even if that laser isn't focused on me and my interests.
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Having at least 300 to 500 cars for this next Forza, instead of around 850 to more than 1,000+ would be a complete total nightmare.

Explain. 300 to 500 cars is still nothing to scoff at - GT Sport, with all the updates, is on the lower end of that scale and it seems like the game is doing just fine.

I can't believe people are really okay with sacrificing cars as if it is a good thing to them.

Once more - it has been shown to you *why* people are willing to take the reduction in cars if it makes the problems that are prevalent with Forza 7 are fixed because T10 aren't chasing for the magic four digit number. You simply have horse blinders on and seem to think that car collecting is the major aspect of which Forza should be based around - when it was made clear with Forza 7 that chasing the dragon of a thousand cars is a poor thing to hang your hat on when people have been criticizing terrible car sounds, dead feeling handling and a poor gameplay loop for the entirety of the console generation.

We don't want another Motorsport 5

You have had it explained to you why Forza 5 failed as game. People would be willing to take the hits of a reduced car count if it meant the margins were improved, which they need to be, as long as tracks aren't cut and sold as piecemeal DLC.

I do believe, however, that all of these can be remedied without sacrificing any cars at all.

It has been shown that Turn 10 are blinded by ******** out cars in order to pad the car list and make a better bullet point for the back of the box. Once more, it has been explained to you why this is a problem when the problems with the game are legion, yet the game has been cranking out cars in order to mask these problems.

Jesus christ, if this is how actual criticisms on the Forza series are treated by some, with Chicken Little reasoning and over exaggerations, sticking their heads in the sand to deny these criticisms are a real thing and constructive, then Forza as a series has no hope, because all the problems with Motorsport apply in related terms with Horizon too, and Playground is going to have to reckon with these same problems too as they begin to chase car count numbers.
I will happily accept whatever T10 has in store for FM Rebooted, because I know, as a gamer, I will enjoy it all over again like all the others before it.

But as a car enthusiast, I will greatly be disappointed with yet another small list of cars with so many rare cars lost once again. 👎
What I don't understand is why are some acting like the idea of trimming the car list to work on obvious problems means that said vehicles will never, ever come back? Trim it, work on it, bring them back and introduce new vehicles - very much like what's going on now.
I can't believe people are really okay with sacrificing cars as if it is a good thing to them.
Yes, I feel we've already established this. You find it so inconceivable that even reading why people are saying so is beyond you.

Some of you talk as if there are something wrong with the quality of the car models
Because there is for a fair few of them.

where in fact, all the cars in Motorsport 7 and Horizon 4 look perfectly fine and at the same graphic quality built with 4K graphics on the Forza-tech engine, built originally on Windows 10 PCs in mind, then on the console (Xbox One X for Motorsport 7 and Horizon 4, then the Series X/S on the next Motorsport and also, the enhanced version of Horizon 4).
lol did you copy this off of the Forza website

I will happily accept whatever T10 has in store for FM Rebooted, because I know, as a gamer, I will enjoy it all over again like all the others before it.

But as a car enthusiast, I will greatly be disappointed with yet another small list of cars with so many rare cars lost once again. 👎
"Only true fans (like me) really understand what is at stake."
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But as a car enthusiast, I will greatly be disappointed with yet another small list of cars with so many rare cars lost once again.

What is small to you?

Once again, 300 to 500 cars is nothing to sneeze at. Once more, GT Sport hits the low end of that range, does it not?

If it means that the very obvious problems with the Forza games, on both ends of the spectrum, are fixed, then I think the vast majority of this forum would gladly take the hit in cars, especially if it meant that Forza Motorsport was more focused of a game as a result. Hell, rebalancing *just* the Forza GT category and not shoving any vehicles that aren't in a neat box into the Forza Specials division would be a welcome start.

lol did you copy this off of the Forza website

Absolutely, 100%. That boiler plate PR ***** doesn't acknowledge the fact that a very obvious minority of models are still uprezzed original era Xbox models that T10 seem to think people ignore when it's as blindingly obvious as ever.
"Only true fans (like me) really understand what is at stake."
What's at stake is you being rude and becoming immature. Desperate for attention is how I see this post now. 👎

I don't want to get banned so I will say this one last time: I will accept whatever T10 puts out even if it means cutting down the car list. But as a car enthusiast, it will disappoint me to see so many cars lost. But hopefully in the future if they do get cut, I hope to see and drive them again. It'll take some time, but I can wait. :)

If none of you can't accept that, than that is your problem, not mines.
What is small to you?
Why do you care, if you don't like car collecting?
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What's at stake is you being rude and becoming immature
:lol: What?!

If none of you can't accept that, than that is your problem, not mines.
I'm not sure why you even came back to say any of this after ignoring everything you brought up. You're the one saying PERIODT after each of your points, you're the one that seemingly can't accept things, you're the one actually currently not accepting it considering you don't want change.

Everything you said before hand totally contradicts what you're pretending to portray here.
You can carry one as many times as you please. I already said my piece, it's clear you won't accept what I said above. I'm just putting it to rest. I don't want to get banned just because you won't let it go.

So have a nice day.
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Wow this thread heated up people are passionate about the game, fantastic!
I love the Forza (Motorsport) series and would like to see less content if it meant more effort could be put into the physics, sound, FFB, and proper matchmaking. Must do something about all the terrible driving online!

I'm not saying I want a simulation, I have rFactor for that.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Motorsport needs to distance itself away from simply being Horizon on real circuits. Even if that means cutting the car list and fixing the long standing problems
Motorsport needs to distance itself away from simply being Horizon on real circuits. Even if that means cutting the car list and fixing the long standing problems

I think this is what the series needs. I'm sure this has been said before plenty of times, but I feel Forza has lost its edge due to two reasons: 1) The developers are devoting too much time broadening their target audience (by adding gimmicks with little to no substance) and 2) They aren't devoting enough time on fixing QOL issues, engine sounds, modeling errors, and other game fundamentals.

Hopefully many of the current issues with the series will be resolved by the extended development time and community feedback, but I am still not fully convinced we can keep the current car list size at launch. As I've said before, keeping all of FM7/FH4's cars while adding new ones would be great, but that would be over 1200 cars. That's a big ask and one that I really just cannot see happening. Launching the game with fewer cars does not immediately close the door for additions, and I'm absolutely sure that many of the missing cars would be added back over time with new content (kind of similar to FH4's system, but hopefully better executed).

Turn 10 overall needs to do their best to reinvigorate the series while keeping what makes Forza, well, Forza. I won't be upset if they launch the game with a car list deficit as long as they do not make cars that were in FH4 and FM7 paid DLC. The series needs to keep the identity it has left and also mix in new meaningful features with fan-favorite 360-era ones (storefront, FM3/4's career grid). I think this is the best way to go as to not alienate longtime fans.
Having at least 300 to 500 cars for this next Forza, instead of around 850 to more than 1,000+ would be a complete total nightmare.
No it would not, just think of it as a soft reset. A chance to give the car list one final restart this time, where the car models are more balanced.

I can't believe people are really okay with sacrificing cars as if it is a good thing to them. We don't want another Motorsport 5 or Forza turning into the Project CARS series (especially with getting rid of the diverse variety of cars), as all that hard work would have gone to waste.
Noone has said that they want Forza to turn into Project CARS, they just said they want the newer Motorsport titles to have more focus. The car list right now is vast, but it lacks FOCUS. Things aren't properly balanced right now and that can only result with a team having to mess around with 700+ cars and implement them in ways for online racing. Considering the issues that you even brought up such as the class system, homologation, and sounds. They clearly are having trouble.

Some of you talk as if there are something wrong with the quality of the car models where in fact, all the cars in Motorsport 7 and Horizon 4 look perfectly fine and at the same graphic quality built with 4K graphics on the Forza-tech engine, built originally on Windows 10 PCs in mind, then on the console (Xbox One X for Motorsport 7 and Horizon 4, then the Series X/S on the next Motorsport and also, the enhanced version of Horizon 4).
Except that they're NOT! A good amount of the cars in the current-gen Forza games are well-made models for sure, but NOT all of them. Some cars are still just old car models from the early X360 and original xbox age with just updated texture modelling. That's a problem, cars like the SW20 MR2, 22B Impreza, R32 Skyline GT-R, and more look inaccurate in terms of shape and proportion to their real-life counterparts.

A lot of these car models also lack the forza vista details that newer car models have such as a modeled engine bay, trunk, and more. Most of the car list is lacking any real customization options beyond the typical Forza splitter and wing. Even worse, some of these car models are even missing customization options they had from the X360 era in-spite of them being updated versions of the X360 car models. These problems probably wouldn't be a thing if Turn 10 had more of a focus on what they were doing with their car additions this generation, but they unfortunately are an issue now.

Bottom line, people are not asking for a downsize on the car list for the heck of it. They're wanting Turn 10 to take this opportunity to fix the problems developed from their car additions. So that this time when more cars get added, it means more as they have more in-depth customization and meaning behind them upon having the car. Noone is doing this out of hatred for car collectors and I say this as a guy that takes pride in collecting cars in each game myself. Because I have been into that since playing the first 2 GTs on the original Playstation when I was in Kindergarden. I still come back to Forza Horizon 4 each week just so I have that next DLC car in my garage.